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Apply to a Pangea School

Become a student at a member school of the Pangea Virtual Education Group!

Which school are you applying to? (Due to the way our system works, you'll need to add your card details even if you have a $0 application fee. We won't charge any money from your account if you have an application fee of $0)
Which school would you like to apply to?
Which type of enrollment are you interested in?
Which type of curriculum are you currently following? (if you are applying in the summer, which curriculum were you following in the last academic year?)
Choose your elementary school courses (S indicates that a self-paced format is offered, L indicates that a live format is offered):
Choose your high school courses (S indicates that a self-paced format is offered, L indicates that a live format may be offered by your school):
Choose your middle school courses (S indicates that a self-paced format is offered, L indicates that a live format is offered):